МИТ № 4 2011

State-of-the-Art Condition and Forecast of DSRV Development

Goldovskiy B.
Lazurit Central Design Bureau Open Joint-Stock Co
e-mail: cdb@lazurit.nnov.ru
tel.: (831) 273-84-00

The article presents comparison of state-of-the-art domestic and foreign Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicles (DSRV) and describes their specific features that impact the efficiency of rescue operations and makes a forecast regarding the development of this class of engineering facilities intended for the rescue of submariners.

Key words: Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle (DSRV), efficiency, information support.

Optimization of design characteristics of the vessel in the complex of the shipping company

Ogay S. A.
Maritime State University
tel.: (423) 241-49-68
e-mail: ogay@msun.ru

Creation, in close cooperation with leading foreign companies of modern shipyards operating in new technology, and the mass production of various classes of commercial vessels is a necessary requirement, which may cause the principal changes in the shipbuilding industry of the Russian Far East. The emergence of shipbuilding companies with a constant number of workers from two to ten thousand in the future is able to provide not less than forty-five – fifty thousand jobs in the Far East Federal District.

Key words: shipbuilding, shipyard, industrial cooperation, shipbuilding technology, the strategy of shipbuilding, shipbuilding for the Arctic, offshore shipbuilding, tanker, LNG tanker, container vessel, offshore supply vessel, floating platform, icebreaker, the Arctic navigation, regional center of shipbuilding, Far East shipbuilding.

Optimization of design characteristics of the vessel in the complex of the shipping company

Ogay S. A., Voyloshnikov M. V.
Maritime State University
tel.: (423) 241-49-68
tel.: (423) 222-03-54
e-mail: ogay@msun.ru
e-mail: michael.vladlen@gmail.com

Determination of the ship design characteristics for the development of technical documentation and construction is performed in terms of investor interest, according to the economic efficiency of the project. For this purpose, a comparison of comparable options, quality and value which the elements are determined at intervals appropriate to the system point of view, depending on the current restrictions, the most important resource and financial constraint.

Key words: commercial ship, design optimization, system approach, economic criterion, objective function,  comparable options, constraints.

Investigations on the simulator of the ship nuclear integral reactor «Beta-K» at the Primorskay study-scientific base of St.-Petersburg State Marine Technical University

Shamanov N. P., Kozhemyakin V. V., Shamanov D. N.,
Solomyanskiy V. B., Andreev A. G., Korshunov A. I.
State Marine Technical University of St. Petersburg

e-mail: np@smtu.ru
tel.: (812) 714-06-51
Two stages of investigations carried out on the simulator of the ship nuclear integral reactor “Beta-K» are described in the article. The aim of the first stage is to investigate the influence of the  power of the plant at constant pressure in the primary circuit on the work of the injectors, to get the static characteristics of the plant and to investigate the joint launch of the injectors. At the second stage of the investigation 4 cycles of starting the injectors were carried out, with the changing level in the pressurizer. The minimum necessary level in the pressurizer was defined. The influence of leveling difference was investigated. The results of the experiments are graphically presented.

Key words: nuclear integral reactor, the steam injector, static characteristics, leveling difference.

Application of the correcting prototype method for the ship design with special requirements for seaworthiness and safety

Kutenev A. A., Konev A. S., Khanukhov V. K.,

Koval A. A.
State Marine Technical University of St. Petersburg

e-mail: vitos2988@yandex.ru
tel.: (812) 494-09-69
As the vessels with special requirements for seaworthiness and safety is considered vessels with a relatively large number of people on board (passenger, ferries, research), and the vessels of high endurance, most of the time are far from home ports (patrol, rescue, fishing). Method of correcting the prototype, proposed by I.G. Bubnov, is used to improve the reliability of the design model. Seaworthiness is understood in the broadest sense of the term: lifting on a wave, unflooding, smooth rolling, local strength, minimal loss of speed, maintenance of operability the appliances and main engine.

Key words: ship design, method of correcting the prototype, stressful task, seaworthiness, integrated assessment of safety, freeboard.

The Intellectual control system of preparation of an artificial gas mix for air-independent power plants with  ICE (internal-combustion  engine)

Turkin I. I., Shamberov V. N.
State Marine Technical University of St. Petersburg
tel.: 8-921-341-63-03
tel.: 8-911-960-67-38

Results of theoretical workings out and imitating  modelling of an intellectual control system on principles of self-organising by preparation of an artificial gas mix for air-independent power plants with internal-combustion engine are resulted.

Key words: an air-independent power plant ,an artificial gas mix, an intellectual control system on principles self-organising.


Boukhanovsky A. V., Ivanov S. V., Nechaev Y. I.
Scientific Research Institute of High Technologies of the St.-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
tel.: +7 (812) 337-64-91; 337-64-94; 369-63-37
e-mail: avb_mail@mail.ru
e-mail: sergei.v.ivanov@gmail.com

Questions of modeling and visualization of data at the present stage of development of the doctrine about research designing of sea dynamic object are discussed. Examples of use developed within the limits of the concept of climatic spectra of sea excitement are resulted.

Key words: modeling, visualization, research designing, climatic spectra.


Boukhanovsky A. V., Nechaev Y. I.
Scientific Research Institute of High Technologies of the St.-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
tel.: +7 (812) 337-64-91

Decision-making problems at the present stage of development of the doctrine about research designing of sea dynamic object are discussed. The analysis of the factors defining procedures of decision-making in problems of identification, the forecast and management is given. Examples of use of the developed intellectual technology are resulted at the control of dynamics of a ships.

Key words: system analysis, uncertainty, modeling, decision-making, research designing.


Boukhanovsky A. V., Nechaev Y. I.
Scientific Research Institute of High Technologies of the St.-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
tel.: +7 (812) 337-64-91
e-mail: nechaev@mail.ifmo.mail.ru

Questions of realization of multicriteria optimization problems are discussed at a choice of decisions at the present stage of development of the doctrine about research designing of sea ships. Examples of use of the developed computing technology are resulted at a choice of elements and main characteristics of sea ships.

Key words: multicriteria optimization, fuzzy environment, decision-making.

The Influence of a small thickness variation on free flexural vibrations of a thin circular ring

Taranukha N. A., Leyzerovich G. S.,
Kozlovskaya N. A.
Komsomolsk-on-Amure State Technical University
tel.: +7 (4217) 54 30 74
e-mail: taranukha@knastu.ru

The influence of small imperfections in the form of variable thickness on the dynamic characteristics of the infinitely long circular cylindrical shell (thin ring in plane deformation) is studied. The equations, describing the flexural vibrations of an imperfect ring, are obtained by using Lagrange equations.
It is believed, that the variable thickness result in interaction bending form with identical numbers of waves, shifted in the circumferential direction at an angle p/2. It is established that the thickness variation fixes the position of nodes vibration modes, and can also lead to a slight splitting of the frequency spectrum, undesirable from the standpoint of dynamic strength.

Key words: thin circular ring, a small thickness variation, the splitting of the frequency spectrum.

Improving power in closed power systems in the presence of power static converters

Yasakov G. S., Ahmad Haidar Ramadan,
Kostikov E. A., Nechitailov V. V.,
Skoriantov N. N., Tchaikovsky S. V.
VUNTS Navy «Naval Academy»
tel.: (812) 431-23-26
e-mail: rossa@inbox.ru
Application of the active static converters, allowing the ship to improve the quality of electricity consumers. Illustrated the need for the selection of rational parameters for the filter to the presence of an active-capacitive-inductive and active elements.

Key words: electrical power quality, static converters-whether a closed power system, elektrodvizhenie.

The research planning theory of development shipbuilding programs

Chetvertakov M. M.
The First Centeral Navy Scientific Research Institute VUNTS Navy «Naval Academy»
tel.: (812) 657-77-78

The work deals with the methodology and theoretical foundations of the research planning in the formation and support of shipbuilding programs. Considered are the main principles of formation and use of methodological apparatus of the theory when solving applied tasks of planning and management of the development of the ship the navy. Methodological basis of the theory is the principle of the iterative solution of direct and inverse tasks of planning.

Key words: shipbuilding program, the planning for the program, armaments program, classes of ships.

Military-technical cooperation in the modern Conditions – perspective directions

tel.: (812) 494-17-62
Chekmarev A. L., JSC «Rosoboronexport»
tel.: (495) 637-98-59

In article the basic results of researches on formation of perspective directions of military-technical cooperation in the conditions of the modern competitive environment in the world market of naval defence technics are presented.

Key words: the world market, the naval technics, shipbuilding, classes of the fighting ships.

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