МИТ № 2 2011
Project rationale of middle ro-ro vessels
Arutyunyan A. R., Arutyunyan R. A.
Sankt-Petersburg State University
e-mail: Robert.Arutyunyan@paloma.spbu.ru
The energy approach to formulate the fatigue strength criterion is proposed. The criterion is based on the latent energy investigations. This conception was not applied previously to the fatigue problem and can be found the most perspective for fatigue strength predictions of high-strength metallic alloys which work in the high cycle fatigue regime. On the base of experimental investigations the logistic function is used to describe the kinetics of latent energy accumulation as a function of irreversible deformation. When the high cycle fatigue criterion is formulated, it is assumed that the cyclic strength of metals is defined by the latent energy, stored in specimen, when it is reached the critical value in accordance with the logistic curve in the saturation zone. Using the experimental results, the functions and parameters of logistic function and criterion are concretized and the predictions of fatigue strength in gigacycle regime were conduct.
Key words: fatigue strength criterion, latent energy, power damage parameter, logistic function.
Situational management
and hydroacoustic compatibility
Baituganov M. W., Kurnosov A. A.
JSC «Saint-Petersburg marine de-sign bureau Malachite»
tel.: (812) 378-67-69;
e-mail: malach@mail.rcom.ru
The following report presents basic concepts and maintenance methods of hydroacoustic compatibility of dissimilar systems and tools that are placed on one carrier and are functionally united to solve various problems. Situational approach is suggested to control the complicated underwater object in dynamically changing signal clutter situations.
Key words: hydroacoustic compatibility, complex application, situated management, signal clutter situation.
Features of definition of breadth of the nesting type containership
Bukshev A. V., Tran Ngoc Tu
State Marine Technical University of St. Petersburg
e-mail: bukshev_av @mail.ru
In work the scheme of a preliminary choice of breadth of the nesting type containership proceeding from a condition of placing of demanded quantity of containers in hold on breadth of a vessel taking into account backlashes between them is considered.
Key words: сontainership, hold, double skin side, breadth, stability.
Gavrilyuk R. N.
Saint-Petersburg State University for Waterway
tel.: 8-921-376-11-04;
e-mail: roma_1986@mail.ru
The article represents the strength estimation of rolling bearings construction with hollow rollers. By means of finite element method (FEM) the maximum contact pressure in areas of roller contacts, bending leverages and roller deformations are defined. After the iterative process of nonlinear solution had been carried out, the final results were analysed. Also the research task of rolling bearing mode of deformation at shaft misalignment is solved.
Key words: the rolling bearings, the rollers, the strength.
Studying the behavior of water in the bow of the vessel dvuzhuschegosya
Gotman A. S., Krasnov, Alexey V.,
Krasnov Alexander V.
Novosibirsk State Academy of Water Transport
e-mail: Agotman@yandex.ru
The paper is devoted to experimental study of the process occurring at the intersection of the stem of a moving ship with a free surface of calm water. It is assumed that this process is a cause of the appearance of the shock waves, the breaking waves, and the turbulence in the boundary layer of the wave field of the ship.
Key words: shock, bow breaking jets, shock waves, breaking waves, boundary layer of waves.
Analysis of the dynamics of development of methods for quality control
in shipbuilding
Eliseeva E. N.
Petersburg State University of Transport
tel.:(812)-393-37-64; 8(906)229-35-37
e-mail: lenux23@yandex.ru
The article deals with the methods of quality control of shipbuilding, steam boilers and materials from which they were made from the middle of the XIX century to the beginning of XX century.
Key words: mechanical testing, technical specifications, elongation, tensile strength, certification, quality.
Improvement of bilge keel structures for fast vessel
Kryzhevich G. B.
Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Shipbuilding Research Institute. Acad. Krylov»
Main results of experimental and numerical studies aimed to disclose a mechanism of transient vibration of low aspect ratio wings used for damping of fast displacement crafts motion are presented. Based on these results, critical analysis of existing rules and regulations for bilge keel design is performed. Practical recommendations for fight against bilge keel vibration, as well as for bilge keels effectiveness increase as vessel stabilizers are given.
Key words: vessel vibration, hydroelastic structures, stabilizers, bilge keels, detached wing flow, wing self-induced vibration.
Problem of parametric designing
of floating dock’s hull structures
in correspondence with requirements
to strength and buckling while general transverse bending
Tryaskin V. N.
State Marine Technical University of St. Petersburg
Le Minh Thu, Astrakhan State Technical University
e-mail: ssdgmtu@gmail.com;
e-mail: leminhthu1977@ gmail.com
Formulation of problem applied to parametric designing of floating dock’s hull structures in correspondence with requirements to strength and buckling while general transverse bending is done. Algorithm of problem solution is considered.
Key words: floating dock, hull structure, computer aided designing, transverse bending.
The development of power plants native Arctic icebreakers. Diesel-electric propulsion
Muramovich V. G., Anisimov P. F.
Establishment of the Russian academy of sciences
Institute of problems of transport after N. S. Solomenko
Tuev S. V., LLC «NPO ММТ»
e-mail: e-mail: murvich@yandex.ru;
tel.: +7 921-331-98-84
In article the basic results of tests of economic and ecological characteristics of a diesel engine with the molecular modifier of fuel (ММТ) are stated. Schedules and summary tables of tests are resulted, conclusions by results of tests are given.
Key words: molecular updating of fuel, weak electric fields, specific fuel consumption, ecological characteristics of the engine.
Analysis and forecast of emergensy vessel dynamic on the base neural network technology
Nechaev Y. I., Vlasov I. A.
State Marine Technical University of St. Petersburg
tel.: (812) 369-63-37
Questions of the control of dynamics of an emergency vessel on the basis of onboard intelligence system (IS) are discussed. As competing computing technology are used the integrated neural network. Analysis algorithms and the emergency forecast are resulted. Practical recommendations are developed IS on the basis of functioning of the dynamic knowledge base within the limits of fuzzy logic basis.
Key words: vessel emergency dynamic, intelligence systems, neural network, fuzzy logic base.
Korshunov V. A., Rodionov A. A.
State Marine Technical University of St. Petersburg
e-mail: rodionovsmk@yandex.ru
The paper presents the result of numerical investigation ultimate strength of side shell of ice tanker. Numerical modeling was carried out by means of nonlinear procedure of the finite element method. Residual deformations of the side stiffened panel, caused by design load were investigated. Calculations were carried out at various values of corrosion additions. The ultimate load for the side stiffened panel, which causes as much as a possible admissible value of residual deformations, has been calculated. Development of residual deformations after some number of cycles loading and unloading during the various periods of tanker operation has been investigated.
Key words: side shell, ace loads, plastic deformations, ultimate strength, residual deformations, finite element method.
Zhou Ke, State Marine Technical University
of St. Petersburg
The problem of parametrical designing of the beam elements of the ship hull structures is considered. Generally designing of beam elements is reduced to statement and the decision of the general task of nonlinear programming. Examples are resulted.
Key words: parametrical designing, beam elements, common IACS Rules, nonlinear program, double-hull tanker, hull structures.
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